Adidas S2G Spikeless Golf Shoes
Adidas S2G Spikeless Golf Shoes
መደበኛ ዋጋ
12,500.00 ETB
መደበኛ ዋጋ
የሽያጭ ዋጋ
12,500.00 ETB
ነጠላ ዋጋ
When a morning round is just part of your busy day, these adidas golf shoes see you through. They're made for comfort on and off the course with a Bounce midsole that delivers cushioning and flexibility. The spikeless V-Traxion outsole provides enhanced grip on variable terrain. The waterproof upper keeps your feet dry on damp fairways so you leave the last green ready for your day.
መላኪያ እና መመለሻዎች
መላኪያ እና መመለሻዎች
ነጻ ማጓጓዣ
አዲስ አበባ ውስጥ ላሉ ትዕዛዞች ነፃ መላኪያ። እንዲሁም ብስራተ ገብርኤል አፍሪካ ኢንሹራንስ Bldg አንደኛ ፎቅ ላይ በሚገኘው ሱቃችን ትእዛዝዎን ለመውሰድ ያስቡበት። ማጓጓዣን በተመለከተ ለበለጠ መረጃ ያነጋግሩን።
ከችግር ነጻ የሆኑ ልውውጦች
በትዕዛዝዎ ካልረኩ፣ለመለዋወጥ ወደ መደብሩ ለማምጣት ነፃነት ይሰማዎ።